India's Leading Brand IN Industrial Raw Materials.

build superior quality,
indutrial solutions

Welcome to SVM GROUP

Since 1975,
Engineering Design
and Consultancy

Connecting all the industries and making a bridge among all in this revolutionary era of industrialization and development with our years of experience.

Innovation, Service, Certification, Production, Development are the most exclusive words nowadays and combining all of them with the years of experience of serving and building, we Solustrid stands. Our one and only goal is to support the world economy by providing the best of services to you because we believe “The World Is You”.

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About Us

We Are The Leading Industrial Factory In The World

Industry is what is sitting on the driving sit of the current world economy. We “Solustrid” are here to support that economy through that driver and we proudly want to say that we have succeeded with so many ups and downs for the past 25 years with the family we built with the love of our customers. And we hope to continue doing that for years to come and make our family bigger than ever.



We are committed to provide safe industrial
solutions to many factories

SS Sheets, pLATES & cOILS

We SVM Group are manufacturer and supplier of SS Sheets, Plates & Coils. 

Industrial Fittings

We SVM Group are manufacturer and supplier of Industrial Fittings. 

industrial flanges

We SVM Group are manufacturer and supplier of Industrial Flanges. 


We SVM Group are manufacturer and supplier of Fasteners. 

Angles, Channels & Flats

We SVM Group are manufacturer and supplier of Angles, Channels & Flats. 

industrial valves

We SVM Group are manufacturer and supplier of Industrial Valves. 

industrial pipes and tubes

We SVM Group are manufacturer and supplier of Industrial Pipes and Tubes. 

ss ferrule fittings

We SVM Group are manufacturer and supplier of SS Ferrule Fittings. 

brass products

We SVM Group are manufacturer and supplier of Brass Products. 

Copper Products

We SVM Group are manufacturer and supplier of Copper Products. 

refractory Anchors

We SVM Group are manufacturer and supplier of Refractory Anchors. 

Flexible Hoses

We SVM Group are manufacturer and supplier of Flexible Hoses. 

A Company To Change The World
We're SVM Group of Companies.

SVM Group has built a strong reputation for its commitment to excellence and attention to detail. They offer a wide range of premium goods across various categories, including fashion, accessories, home decor, and more projects. SVM Group also provides excellent customer service, offering personalized assistance and ensuring a seamless shopping experience. Their knowledgeable staff is always ready to address any concerns or inquiries.

The brand's transparent sourcing practices and commitment to ethical manufacturing further enhance its trustworthiness. They prioritize sustainable and responsible production methods, minimizing their environmental impact.

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With over 10 years of experience under our, we partner with owners and design professionals to build high-quality projects. Over the years, Builderry has built relationships with the industry’s top craftsmen, suppliers, and subcontractors, all of whom adhere to our high-quality standards.

24X7 Support

We provide customer support 24/7. We fulfill customers' every need regarding our products.


Valuable clients are already working with us together in INDIA as an SVM Group-qualified partner network. and we are trying to serve up to customer satisfaction.


Through various quality checks placed at each level from procuring the raw material to packaging, we maintain strict quality checks.


To ensure on-time delivery to our clients we have six subsidiary companies with multiple warehouses located in various states.

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- Our Mission

As a provider for complex steel structures, we can procure, manufacture and assemble tailor made solutions. Customers approach us because they know that we can handle and machine. assemble tailor made components and solutions driving.

- Our Vision

Our vision is to be the preferred supplier to our customers and, by being preferred supplier, to improve their competitive power. We strive to become and to remain the preferred supplier to all our customers, because this is how we can identify.

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Our vision is to be the preferred supplier to our customers and, by being preferred supplier, to improve their competitive power. We strive to become and to remain the preferred supplier to all our customers, because this is how we can identify.


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Refer to the statistics of our company. Manufacturer’s high end manufacturing services are a perfect complement to today’s high tech industries.

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We Are Serving Many Industries By providing premium Quality Products Range.

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    We are committed to provide safe industrial
    solutions to many factories

    Connecting all the industries and making a bridge among all in this revolutionary era of industrialization and development with our years of experience.

    Innovation, Service, Certification, Production, Development are the most exclusive words nowadays and combining all of them with the years of experience of serving and building, we Solustrid stands. Our one and only goal is to support the world economy by providing the best of services to you because we believe “The World Is You”.

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